Passionate, Experienced, and Knowledgeable Guide with 48 summers in Yellowstone

Jackson Hole Tour Guide

The first visit to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone was 58 years ago. This trip tremendously impacted my life forever. I have made 48 years worth of summer trips inside Yellowstone National Park to quench my thirst for experiencing the wild. Still not satisfied, I knew I had to make the move to this extraordinary wilderness and had the opportunity to do so by relocating to Jackson Hole in 2011. Soon after, My affinity for nature and the impressive, local wildlife led me to become Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park tour guide so I could share our knowledge with others.

I spend all of my spare time exploring new places, hiking to remote areas, camping, e-scouting, researching maps, photographing landscape, backcountry Elk and Mule Deer hunting,  identifying wildflowers, and photographing wildlife. My photographs are a testament to my time spent in the wild and our exuberance.  My infectious passion for wilderness is conveyed in the many stories I share with tour guests, who come to feel like they are members of a wilderness expedition team.

My Degree in Geology allows me to point out features of the local geology that cannot be found in any geological guidebook. My explanation of a complex subject is easy to understand and enriches every visitor’s trip to Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park.

My attention to detail is exemplified during our decadent picnic lunch presentation.  It is the little things that make a big difference.  Most guests feel compelled to take pictures of the place settings before being seated for their delicious feast.